JUST as nature
All natural
plastic free

Plastic straws create overflowing landfills, dead marine life, and garbage-clogged oceans.
Paper straws cause deforestation and loss of habitat.
Metal straws are not biodegradable or financially viable for the disposable market.
In contrast...
Reed straws are all natural, fully biodegradable and despite being reusable are priced to be competitive in the disposable straw market!
Does you business do enough to keep up with the ever growing number of environmentally conscious consumers? Swap out your straws for a natural and cost effective alternative.

Reed straws are not a new concept, in fact our founders, brothers Sergey and Alexander have been using them all their lives. Growing up the sons of a rural farmer on the banks of the Vorskla in Ukraine they know all about utilising the land efficiently.
During the Autumn and Spring months vast fields of reeds along the Vorskla and wetlands are home to a whole ecosystem. However, in the hot Ukrainian summer season the reeds dry, the wildlife migrate and harmful wildfires rage. Combating this the boys spent many a summer clearing great swathes of reed just for it to grow back stronger and more abundant the following year.
Fast forward a few decades Sergey and Alexander are no longer working their fathers farm, they like many have flocked to the big cities. It is there they first encounter the next incarnation of the humble straw, the paper straw. Designed to be less harmful to the environment than its plastic predecessor but with all the effectiveness of a chocolate tea pot.
The brothers knew they already had the solution to this problem, yes reed straws. Reed was already harvested in vast quantities to safeguard the environment, rather than wasting all of this material the brothers would treat and process it into an almost limitless supply of drinking straws. Not only would these straws be completely natural and sustainable but they outperform their paper straw counterparts. Though priced to be sold to the disposable market the straws can actually be reused over and over again.
It is estimated that in the UK alone we use upwards of 8 billion straws per year, that is 133 per person. We can therefore conservatively estimate the European straw annual consumption at around 50 billion. The market is enormous and stretches far beyond Europe.
So Sergey and Alexander returned to their fathers farm along the Vorskla and invested their time and resources into outputting reed straws. With an almost limitless supply of dried reed in the summer months needing to be cleared the brothers are now able to produce and store tens of millions of reed straws.